This article provides all essential information related to finding, using, renewing, and managing API Keys in QR API.
The API Key in QR API allows authentication of requests and access to various functionalities. Whether setting up the API for the first time, renewing an expired key, or managing security, understanding how to effectively use the API Key is vital for seamless integration and operation.
A. How to Find the API Key
- Login to QR API Account
- Navigate to API > Get API Key (if accessing this section for the first time, click on Create and enter the password for authentication)
- The API Key will be generated and displayed in the API section
- Copy the API key to authenticate requests in the Documentation section
B. Using the API Key
- Go to the Documentation section on the dashboard
- Click on Authorize and paste the API Key into the pop-up box
- The API Key will now be connected and ready for use
Generate a QR Code:
- Select the QR Code type to generate (e.g., Website URL QR Code)
- Click on the Get button
- Enable the parameter fields by clicking on Test
- Set the required parameter values and click on Execute to generate a QR Code
- To test the generated QR Code, copy the request URL and paste it into a new browser tab
- Select the QR Code type to generate (e.g., Website URL QR Code)
C. What to Do If the API Key Expires
If the API Key has expired due to the end of the free trial or subscription plan:
C.1. Reactivate the Key
Start a subscription by selecting one of the available plans—Basic, Standard, or Pro. Upon successful payment, the existing key will be reactivated. For more details visit: QR API Plans
C.2. Handle Invalid Key Requests
An API request with an expired or invalid key will return a QR Code image with a 'preview' watermark.
These QR Codes are not scannable by most QR Code scanning apps.
D. Renewing the API Key
The Renew Key feature allows the generation of a new API Key in the following scenarios:
- Expiration: Renew the key before it expires to ensure uninterrupted access
- Compromise: Immediately renew the key if it’s suspected to be compromised
Change in Access Level: Generate a new key if the access level or permissions have changed
Note: The API key can be renewed up to five times a day.
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